Dark souls 3 first boss
Dark souls 3 first boss



I finished the game twice before, I played it for the first time on steam yesterday and I have to confess, I died to that first boss, just try to go full health with all estus flasks. If it keeps beating you ember up and summon somone if you feel the need or are just sick of the fight.

dark souls 3 first boss

Once you learn his attacks, bait the ones your most comfortable with (his leap is a good example of this, to bait it just get far away from him)Īnd when you get further in the game don't automatically use a summon for a boss always fight the boss a few times by yourself to learn it and get a feel for the fight, this also helps not be super dependent on summons and being carried through the game.


(Feel free to correct me if im wrong on this im writing this from memory) You can typically dodge to your left safely for gundyr as most of his attacks are wide sweeps which means you will be rolling under his halberd. If your getting frustrated take a break and come back to it. Keep at it the more you fail the more you will get used to every little thing, like learning gundyrs attacks. Once you have that down you may never need to block again or you can just put blocking back into your stratĭont get greedy with attacks always watch your stamina,įor gundyr you can easily get 1-2 hits in and have plenty left for dodging. This is so that you can get used to rolling, the sooner you get this down pat the easier life will be, as a lot of it boils down to not messing up a roll. Try out a different starting class you may find it easier than the knight (avoid thief, deprived as they are the hardest to start out on)įocus more on rolling than blocking. Dont be afraid to start again on a fresh character (for gift get black firebombs for phase 2).

dark souls 3 first boss

What that means is faster rolls slightly more Iframes. Positioning, and lucky rolls have goten me through th game a few times.Īs knight try and unquip your gauntlets and helm itll lower your equip load a bit. Hope this helps, precise timing is aparently what a lot of people use, but it's real hard to master, and i don't think you shoud be expected to learn it so well just to play the game, i know i don't have it mastered. when you are in that spot he'll to a super fast swing in his second phase that pretty much no one can dodge, don't worry it does minimal damage compared to his other attacks, and once he does one you can start wailing on him because he's not about to attack again for a good 7-10 seconds. otherwise stay in little sweet spot just behind his left shoulder. When he transforms stay in that spot, when he raises up move towards his tail, not away from him. The first boss has a sweet spot behind him and to the right a little bit while hugging really close to him, hit him once or twice, and keep circling to the right trying to remain in his sweet spot and staying close, when you see him rear back, be ready to roll, or you might even get it if you just start rolling then and roll multiple times, you can block probably 1 or 2 of his hits with your shield before running out of stamina, so that's also an option. Hey, sorry if no one is really helping, the community can be a bit toxic at times. You don't want to stay too far away because he gains massive range to his attacks. Wait for gaps in his attack patterns and hit him while he isn't attacking.įor the 2nd phase of the fight, stay close to him and dodge at the moment he's about to fall down on you. A good shield can block all physical damage at the cost of some stamina upon getting hit. Since you're a knight, also try blocking with your shield. If you time your rolls perfectly, you'll negate any damage the hit would've done.


Rolling is the most basic dodge in the game and learning how to roll at the exact moment an attack is about to hit you is the difference between life and death in a lot of situations.

dark souls 3 first boss

That said, if you really do needs tips on what you should be trying, learn how to properly roll. For this very reason, victory tastes extremely sweet in the entire series.

dark souls 3 first boss

This is Dark Souls, which means you're gonna die over and over and over until you learn each area. There's only one way to beat Gundyr and that is learn what works.

Dark souls 3 first boss